Christianity Explored
We all get one life to live, and deep down, we’re all asking the same question—what’s it all about? In this eight-session course, we will explore life’s big questions.
23 Sep-4 Nov 2022
Christianity Explored looks at the big issues in life and how the Bible addresses them. The course consists of 6 online sessions and 2 onsite sessions at Petaling Jaya Evangelical Free Church (PJEFC), Malaysia. No prior Bible knowledge is required.
Admission is free.
Who is Christianity Explored for?
Christianity Explored is for anyone who has ever wondered about the meaning of life. The Bible says God has “set eternity in the human heart” (Ecclesiastes 3:11). We all have a God-given awareness that there is “something more” than this temporary world.
Maybe you’ve always had a “spiritual itch”—a sense of discomfort that begs to be scratched. You’ve looked for relationships or achievements, but these provided only temporary relief. Something is missing. Find out what life is all about and scratch that itch!
Hear about Soon’s experience at Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a safe and friendly environment to ask questions and assess the facts. It is also a fun way to make new friends and connect with like-minded people.
We’ll explore various issues relevant to our lives through the Bible each week. In addition to reading a short passage from the Bible, we will watch a 20-minute video that unpacks a specific topic.
Discuss each topic in a small group. It’s up to you how much or how little you want to say. You are free to ask questions or just sit back and listen in a relaxed environment.
Course Program
1. Good News
What was the best news you’ve ever heard? Was it surprising, or did it bring you a great sense of relief? Many people have received their best news ever through the Bible. Are you ready to hear the news?
2. Identity
Jesus never held a political office, never wrote a book, and never attended university. Yet, despite all odds—dying poor and homeless—he became the most famous person in history. Who is Jesus?
3. Sin
What is sin? Is it a bunch of dos and don’ts? Or is it something religious institutions thought would keep society in order? Learn what sin really means.
4. Cross
The cross is one of the most gruesome ways to die. Yet, Jesus went to his death on the cross, willingly and deliberately. Why is that? What was Jesus trying to accomplish?
5. Resurrection
Despite the advances in science, no man has ever escaped death. Only one man in history has demonstrated absolute power over death. Explore the claim at the core of the Christian faith—resurrection.
6. Grace
What if there is a heaven and a hell? Are we good enough to enter heaven? Is it even possible to earn God’s favor by being “good”? Learn what the Bible has to say.
7. The Sower, James and John, Herod
Throughout history, people have responded differently to God’s message. How can we learn from this, and what should we do? In what ways will your decision change your life?
8. Come and Die
What are the implications of everything we’ve learned in eight sessions? Are we called by Jesus to live or to die? Learn the secret to lasting joy and fulfillment.
Stories from Participants
![Katie - CE](
“In spite of having abundant material things and loving people in my life, I never felt a sense of fulfillment which I expected to experience.” – Katie
“There had been many happy moments, but they proved to be short lasting. There was always the next goal to reach, and it felt like I was chasing after an endless dream. I was perplexed – is there anything out there that could quench my thirst once and for all for an everlasting joy and fulfillment?”
“What if there is a heaven and hell? How could I make sure I would be good enough to avoid hell?” – Xichen
“Throughout the course, I was challenged by the gospel, and I realized that I am by no means ‘good’ in God’s standard.”
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